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Infographic: Are You Breaking The Facebook Law?

Facebook, the most popular social network on the planet, remains one of the most powerful promotion tools for many online business owners, who use the website in a variety of ways.

But the website has a number of rules and regulations that you have to navigate — their website, their visitors, and their laws. For example, a Facebook promotion must be run on a Facebook page, not on a personal profile.

Or the fact that you cannot ask people to share a page to enter.

The folks over at Shortstack have put together a concise yet informative infographic that basically goes over the dos and don’ts of Facebook promotions, like contests and sweepstakes:

“For example, did you know that it is now legal to ask fans to Like your Page in order to enter? (Even though we frown upon this practice because there is no easy way to tell who has Liked your Page and when, Facebook no longer sees this a bad practice for running promotions.)

Some things you cannot do include tag people in a brand’s image in order to enter, or require your fans to share your Page in order to enter.”

The rules are changing all the time, and this infographic provides the latest lowdown.

Which you have to follow, or you risk ruining your brand by having your pages deleted by Facebook. And yes, there have been several cases of this happening. People have flown under the radar, whether willfully or due to ignorance, but it often ends up wrecking their reputation.

Click the infographic below to view the full high-resolution version.